Lubbock Automotive Services
Anything Unlock was started with a vision of a shop that did more than any other automotive shop has done before. Josh Linnenkugel is the proud owner of Anything Automotive and Anytime Unlock LLC, and he knows the importance of backing our community and making sure he takes care of all of those needs.
Lubbock Towing and Car Repair
At Anything Automotive, our team works hard to make sure that you are taken care of. From diagnosing car issues to repairing your vehicle to towing your car from Point A to Point B, we can do it all. We can even maintenance your car to keep it running smoothly! You are supposed to have your car maintenanced every 3000-6000 miles? Stop by and let us do your routine maintenance on any vehicle. We offer Lubbock oil changes, car repair, and towing services.
Best Car Repairs in Lubbock, Texas
Anything Automotive aspires to help every customer in need, whether it be a midnight unlock, 2 am lost key, or that dreaded feeling of your car dying. Our owner Josh Linnenkugel will make sure all your needs are met and you are satisfied. Josh will come to the rescue if your child has been locked in the car and calm your fears as he unlocks the car, help tow your car to safety if it breaks down, and make the repairs to your vehicle to get you back on the road safely.
In the end we all want an honest mechanic, trustworthy and reliable. One who will fix your car, back his work and help you with anything he can to ensure your satisfaction and that is simple. Josh has created a business just for those needs.